Fight the apathy!
It is about that time folks, the time when we are all ready to throw the books, papers, computers, and all other relics of academia out the window, right on top of the nearest unsuspecting passerby! Some of you have heard my own inner fantasies for the complete destruction of every paper mill in the nation... It's times like these that I get fired up to go hop that tanker ship to Bombay, or make off for a rusty old fishing boat, running somewhere off the Aleutians! 22 year old men weren't intended to live lives quagmired in never ending circles of perpetual paper pushing! (I'm sure that the female audience of this blog is also similarly disenchanted with the current state of affairs).
Oh, but we must learn to love it my fellow suffering souls! With a little push, that second wind is bound to hit us, and with it the euphoric, out of body experience of the Academian high (Also helped along dramatically by going with little sleep repetitively, and high dosages of caffeine) People, right now our job is to learn to think! That is beautiful. Everywhere else in society, this capacity is either implicitly expected in ones duties, or else completely neglected. Let us delve, penetrate, and illuminate the dark caverns of our minds, let truth dawn in the heart of the ignorant savage! And the next time I complain about school, feel free to rub this in my face:)
So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
1 Corinthians 10:31
Whether we "eat or drink", or are simply racking our brains for the next exam! Wow, papers to glorify God- and I thought some of my profs had tough standards...