Friday, August 12, 2005

Not a post post

Well, I really don't have the time for a post tonight, but I'm sure everyone, including myself, is getting tired of seeing my creepy picture every time they visit, so excelsior! Time for a new post!

This summer is going by far too quickly for this little mind to keep up with, what ever happened to July!? There have been so many great things packed into this summer, sandwiched in between work responsibilities, I keep wanting to write about them, but there simply isn't any time! The other day I was almost thinking that I was ready to get back to school, when I found an old paper I wrote last quarter. How did I stand that stuff? Jeez, and it actually sounded like I knew what I was talking about too...
We went to an M's game last night, which they lost in the 14th inning... what a disappointment! We could only stay until the 12th inning, since we had to make a 10:55 ferry. I guess we were holding the whole thing together, and it came apart when we left! It was a really fun time though, with all of the clan but a sick Nathan out for the game. We also had a great bunch of folks from church there, including Grandpa and the fantastic Mr. H, two very knowledgeable gentleman on the subject of baseball. Like I said, disappointing loss, but hey, I'm an M's fan, I'm used to these things:S
Work has been going well lately, despite the usual tedium involved in working in an office for eight hours. I had a fabulous day the other day, when I found my favourite staple puller! That's right folks, it may not sound like a big deal to you, but I was ecstatic! It had been missing for days, and I had begun to fear the worst, but low and behold, the sneaky little bugger had merely slipped back in behind the rubberband tray and the paperclip bin. Oh frabjous day!
So much other great stuff to mention, what with resthome singing, a crazy trip to the airport, an ice skating party for everybody's favourite, and of course great frisbee, but I can hear my own little bed is calling me... Have to work again tomorrow - another day, another dollar, etc. Night!


At 8/14/2005 10:53 PM, Blogger Aaron said...

Thanks for updating- your Mansonesque photo was beginning to freak me out. Hope you have time to tell more of your summer!

Congratulations on finding the staple puller! Those are one handiest office supplies.

At 8/22/2005 9:05 AM, Blogger emilie said...

my fantastic Mr. H? (there are a couple other good mr. H's I can think of like Mr. Hanks, Mr. Harliss...)

Mr. H IS the authority on baseball... especially Mariner's baseball. Don't mess.


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