Thursday, March 24, 2005

The Odd Couple

So, the brother and I are getting settled into our new place quiet nicely. We got our cable internet hooked up today, with a wireless network setup. Hurrray!! The dark ages with no connections to the outside world are finally at an end, let the LAN wars begin!
We also went shopping for some of the bare necessities we have been missing; items of vital importance such as a new set of pots and pans, cooking utensils, a chair for Derek's desk, and cookie dough ice cream. Derek and I make a pretty good shopping couple, I must say, as our differences seem to balance against each other well. We were walking along when we simultaneously stopped at the same aisle. As I enthusiastically began looking at the scented candles, I realized Derek was looking at the "cool" filing drawers on the end shelf.
I love to cook, but I really must say it gets old when it's every meal, and you are just cooking for yourself. Despite our best intentions for a grand spaghetti dinner tonight, we were too tired after our shopping journey, and decided to hit up Jack in the Box for some quadruple fat cheeseburgers. If you're gonna be a bachelor, you might as well eat like it right?

Tonight, I close with a brief IM conversation between Derek and I (from our adjacent rooms). We were celebrating the hookup of our internet.
Derek: Alright, it's working!
Russ: indeed, no more need for me to ever come out of my room and actually converse again! You can bring me my food
Derek: Maybe we can alternate nights
Russ: I suppose that would be fair
Derek: Or, we could get one of those Woman things we were talking about earlier, and she could cook AND bring food
Russ: lol
Russ: sounds good
Russ: this goes straight to the ol' blog:-)

Beautiful Ladies everywhere, applications will be rushing in fast, so get yours out ASAP!


At 3/24/2005 10:38 PM, Blogger Danna Crawford said...

YOU ARE AN ADORABLE WRITER!! Love your humor! You have been blessed with a GIFT!! Keep up the Good work, and Keep enjoying LIFE, its WAY TOO SHORT! Blessings to you from Florida USA!

At 3/24/2005 10:45 PM, Blogger Bruce, Son of Leod said...

I do love reading your blog Russ. It always gets me laughing out loud!


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